Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Are Facebook Posts Preventing you from Job Offers?

Etiquette Tip of the Week

Another story from an employer.  The company was getting ready to tender an offer to a young man who just graduated from college.  The last step in the process was a quick check of his Facebook page.

On the Facebook page, he was bragging about his third DUI.  The offer was never offered.

"Never" is not completely accurate -- the offer went to the next candidate, whose Facebook page checked out.

If you are going to be on Facebook, what positive things can you do while growing your career?
  • Show you can communicate in complete sentences.
  • Have pictures with friends who don't have beers in their hands.
  • Stay out of politics -- unless you plan to spend the rest of your life in politics.
  • Wear clothes.  Not swimsuits.
  • Let some of the activities on your resume be reflected in your Facebook content.

The most important part: don't put everything out there.  A little mystery makes a person interesting. When you publish everything you do, think and feel, your mystery is history.

The Etiquette Tip of the Week may be forwarded to others who really, really need it, pinned to billboards, taped to the water cooler, blogged, Tweeted or used to fill that last little hole in your newsletter.  Giving credit to the Culture and Manners Institute at http://www.cultureandmanners.com/ is the polite thing to do.

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Culture and Manners Institute, 2500 Woodland Avenue, West Des Moines, IA 50266