UCREW at the South Texas College of Law
During the UCREW session, you will participate in roundtable discussions with leading women in the legal professions. You will learn first-hand what it takes to achieve a rewarding career in commercial real estate.
Come hear dynamic professional women talk about their careers and answer your questions. Pick up Career Tip Sheets crafted by these women professionals on what it takes to enter into and be successful in commercial real estate careers related to legal disciplines including:
In-House Counsel | Title | Litigation | Brokerage | Environmental | Transaction
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
11:30am to 2:00pm
(Casual, come and go as time your schedule allows)
South Texas College of Law
6th Floor Fred Parks Law Library
1302 San Jacinto St. Houston, TX 77002
FREE! Lunch provided. Walk-ins Welcome!
Contact Katherine Doggett
713 243 3318 kdoggett@irr.com