Interested in pursuing a career as In-House Counsel? Attorneys from ConocoPhillips, Waste Management, Nucerity, LINN Energy, and FMC Technologies will be part of a panel providing insight into the corporate path, how they found their current positions, and what you can do now to prepare for life as in-house counsel.
September 18, 2013
The panel will include:
Kelly Herrera, Counsel at ConocoPhillips (moderator)
Shannon Weinberg, Senior Counsel at ConocoPhillips
Lauren E Haller, Counsel at ConocoPhillips
Sasha Vaikhman, Senior Corporate Counsel at LINN Energy
Christopher Farley, Senior Legal Counsel at Waste Management
David Bain, Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel at Nucerity International
Lisa Wang, Senior Counsel at FMC Technologies
This event is open to all students. Lunch will be provided. Students are encouraged to RSVP* through Symplicity prior to the event.
*RSVP Instructions
1. Log into Symplicity
2. Click on the "Events" tab
3. Click on the title of the event you want to RSVP for
4. Under the program description, click the RSVP button
Students must RSVP at least 2 days prior to the event. If you forget to RSVP, you are still welcome to attend but you will not be guaranteed a lunch. Beginning Spring 2014, RSVPs will be mandatory of all CDO events where a lunch is offered. All programs can be found on our events calendar here: Watch out for announcements and updates regarding the events on the Daily Lex, CDO Blog, and the CDO Facebook page.