The Licensing Executives Society, an association for IP, technology, and business development professionals, is hosting two events this fall here at the UH Law Center. Students with an interest in IP and/or business negotiations are encouraged to attend and gain exposure to IP-related negotiations.
First, LES is hosting the Graduate Student Business Plan Competition. This is the only competition in the country focused exclusively on IP commercialization. An informational session for interested students will be held Tuesday, September 24 at noon in 244 BLB. Click here for more information. (Word document)
Second, LES will hold the IP & Licensing Basics: A One Day Overview course at the Law Center on Friday, October 4, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This course provides a quick overview of IP law and licensing, and includes a case study where you can put what you have learned into practice by negotiating the terms of a licensing case study. Registration is $35, which includes a networking reception and a one-year student membership in LES. Register online here.