The Intellectual Property Law
Section of the State Bar of Texas will award two $5,000 scholarships, each to a
woman and/or minority law student. Any woman or
member of a recognized minority group, including but not limited to African
Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans who intends to
practice IP law in the State of Texas, is eligible to apply. Applicants
must be enrolled in an ABA-accredited law school in Texas at the time the
application is submitted. Thus, persons who have been accepted
to law school but have not yet started classes at the time the application
is submitted are ineligible. However, persons who have graduated at the
time the scholarship is awarded (current 3Ls) are eligible.
Selection criteria of the scholarships include: merit, scholastic performance,
and financial need. Consideration is also given to extracurricular activities
both inside and outside law school.
Applications must be postmarked by
no later than May 12, 2014. The Scholarships will be awarded at
the Annual Meeting in June 2014. Click here for more details and application instructions.